
Create a Model with Migration: If you want to create a database table for your model, use the -m or --migration option: php artisan make:model ModelName This will generate a migration file in the database/migrations/ directory. Edit the migration file to define your table schema. Create a Controller: To create a resourceful controller (with CRUD methods), use the --resource or -r option: php artisan make:controller...
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Packages: composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev composer require security composer require orm composer require twig composer require form validator composer require symfonycasts/verify-email-bundle symfony/mailer composer require symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle Start and configure your database on the .env file. DATABASE_URL="mysql://app:!ChangeMe!@!DatabaseName!?serverVersion=10.4.32-MariaDB&charset=utf8mb4"
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Symfony Encore is a powerful tool that simplifies integrating Webpack into your web application. It provides a clean and efficient API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS and JS, and compiling and minifying assets.  Add encore to composer: symfony composer require encore If necessary, update your npm: nvm install --lts Now run npm install: npm install Install bootstrap:...
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Create an entity for your CRUD: symfony console make:entity Create the CRUD: symfony console make:crud Create a migration for your database and execute it: symfony console make:migration php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
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If you don’t have the necessary packages install them: Check the post: Link Create an user entity: symfony console make:user Create an authentication method: symfony console make:auth Create a registration form: symfony console make:registration-form Create a reset password method: symfony console make:reset-password Create a migration for your database and execute it: symfony console make:migration php...
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