Pharmacy Industry

Sample distribuition system

  • Performance allocated to the client within the sample distribution squad
  • Meeting demands for the construction of the sample distribution system.
  • Creation of components that consume data from services through Reduce and Saga to provide sample control screens, created several curves for sending samples, examples: Dashboard, POS, Simplified Distribution, Managers, etc.
  • Creation of Endpoints in Laravel to provide data in RestFul format, data that is consumed through ReactJS, Reduce and Saga.

Technologies used:

PHP / Laravel / Javascript / React / Redux / Saga 


RestFul APIs

Date01 Jul 2019

Result Driven

Code design problem


During my time working in the web development team at EMS Pharmacy Industry, we encountered an issue where most of the developers were not familiar with using design patterns, leading to excessive effort being put into developing even simple functions for the system. Given our tight project timeline, we knew we needed a solution.

I brought up the issue with the IT manager and suggested implementing design patterns to improve our development process. We decided to create a library using the strategy design pattern, which would be responsible for validating information inputted by end-users.

Using this library, we were able to develop a plethora of functions at a rapid pace, resulting in the project being completed on time and with great success. We were able to thoroughly validate all inputs of the system, greatly improving its functionality.