How to work with React context

WINW > Software Development > React > How to work with React context

React context is a powerful feature that allows you to share data across components without the need for explicit prop passing. Let’s dive into how to use it:

What is React Context?

  • React context enables you to pass down and consume data in any component within your React app without relying on props.
  • It acts as a global storage space for your components, making it easier to share state.

When Should You Use React Context?

  • React context is ideal for data that can be used in multiple components throughout your application.
  • Examples of such data include:
    • Theme data (e.g., dark or light mode)
    • User data (e.g., the currently authenticated user)
    • Location-specific data (e.g., user language or locale)
  • Place data on React context that doesn’t need frequent updates since context isn’t meant to be a full state management system.

How Does React Context Solve Problems?

  • React context helps avoid props drilling. Props drilling occurs when you pass props down multiple levels to nested components that don’t immediately need them.
  • For instance, consider theme data passed via props:
export default function App({ theme }) {
  return (
      <Header theme={theme} />
      <Main theme={theme} />
      <Sidebar theme={theme} />
      <Footer theme={theme} />

  • The issue here is that we’re drilling the theme prop through components like Header, which don’t directly need it.
  • React context allows us to bypass props entirely, solving this problem.

How to Use React Context:

  • Create context using the createContext method.
  • Wrap your component tree with the context provider.
  • Set any value you want on the context provider using the value prop.
  • Consume that value within any component using the context consumer.

Example Using useContext Hook:

  • Import useContext (or use React.useContext).
  • Call useContext with the context object you created:
import React, { useContext } from 'react';

function Display() {
  const value = useContext(MyContext); // Replace with your context
  return <div>The answer is {value}.</div>;

Remember, React context is a powerful tool, but use it judiciously. It’s not a replacement for more robust state management solutions like Redux. Happy coding!

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