Symfony Encore is a powerful tool that simplifies integrating Webpack into your web application. It provides a clean and efficient API for bundling JavaScript modules, pre-processing CSS and JS, and compiling and minifying assets. Add encore to composer: symfony composer require encore If necessary, update your npm: nvm install --lts Now run npm install: npm install Install bootstrap:...Read More
Create an entity for your CRUD: symfony console make:entity Create the CRUD: symfony console make:crud Create a migration for your database and execute it: symfony console make:migration php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrateRead More
If you don’t have the necessary packages install them: Check the post: Link Create an user entity: symfony console make:user Create an authentication method: symfony console make:auth Create a registration form: symfony console make:registration-form Create a reset password method: symfony console make:reset-password Create a migration for your database and execute it: symfony console make:migration php...Read More
Using the Chain of Responsibility pattern for logging in PHP can be quite useful for handling different levels or types of log messages and their destinations. Here’s an example of how you might implement this pattern for logging: Logger Interface First, create an interface for the logger: interface Logger { public function setNext(Logger $logger): Logger;...Read More
Using the Chain of Responsibility pattern for logging in PHP or any other language offers several advantages: Flexibility and Extensibility: With Chain of Responsibility, you can easily add, remove, or rearrange handlers for different log types or levels without modifying the core logging functionality. This makes the system more adaptable to change and new requirements....Read More
To configure PHPUnit, you need to follow these steps: Install PHPUnit: First, you need to install PHPUnit on your system. PHPUnit is available as a Composer package, so you can install it globally or on a per-project basis. To install it globally, run the following command: composer global require phpunit/phpunit Alternatively, you can install it...Read More
The Test-Driven Development (TDD) cycle typically follows a series of steps, commonly known as the “Red-Green-Refactor” cycle. Here’s an overview of the TDD cycle: Write a Test: In TDD, you start by writing a test that defines the desired behavior or functionality of a small unit of code. The test is written before any implementation...Read More
Bug Detection: Tests are designed to detect bugs and issues in software. By systematically running tests, developers can identify and fix defects before the software is deployed. This helps prevent bugs from reaching end-users and reduces the likelihood of expensive and time-consuming bug fixes in production. Quality Assurance: Tests ensure that software meets the desired...Read More