
Headless WordPress is a modern approach to website development that separates the content management system (CMS) from the front-end presentation layer. In simpler terms, it’s like having a powerful brain (WordPress) that stores and manages information, but it doesn’t have a face (the front-end) to show it to the world. You get to choose the...
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Understanding the Core Domain If your primary business is book selling products, your core domain would likely be “Bookselling” Classifying WordPress as a Non-Core Domain While WordPress can be used to create a virtual store, it’s typically considered a non-core domain in a DDD context. Here’s why: Supporting Role: WordPress provides the infrastructure and tools...
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It’s known that WordPress is an open-source solution that boosts the marketing of your company with fast setup and low cost. It’s the most used marketing engine for websites in the world. But where would I classify my WordPress in my business? Let’s check this approach assuming you have a business to sell books, you...
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Understanding the Challenge: Directly editing theme or plugin files can prevent you from receiving future updates. When an update is released, it will overwrite your custom changes. Recommended Approach: Child Themes and Child Plugins: To maintain the ability to update your theme or plugin while making custom modifications, create a child theme or child plugin....
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Understanding the Issue: It’s common for some texts to be missing from Loco Translate. This can be due to several reasons: Hardcoded text: Text directly written in PHP or HTML files without using translation functions. Dynamic content: Content generated by scripts or database queries. Theme or plugin limitations: Some themes or plugins might restrict access...
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The location of your learnpress-pt_BR.po file is incorrect. Loco Translate expects translation files to be in a specific directory structure. Placing the file in languages/loco/plugins/learnpress-pt_BR.po is not the standard way. Correct File Location: wp-content/languages/plugins/learnpress-pt_BR.po This is the standard directory for plugin-specific language files. Steps to Resolve: Create the Directory: If the wp-content/languages/plugins directory doesn’t exist,...
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