Two commom symptons of bad code quality

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Symptom 1: Lack of Clarity and Direction

It’s shown when the team doesn’t know from where to start and they’re not sure if it’ll work well.

  • Root Cause: When a team is unsure where to start implementing a new feature, it often signals a lack of clear architectural design and modularization. This can be due to:
    • Poorly defined modules and components: The software’s structure might not be well-organized, making it difficult to identify where new functionality should reside.
    • Insufficient documentation: If there’s no clear documentation outlining the system’s architecture, class diagrams, and component interactions, developers might struggle to understand the existing codebase and where to make changes.
  • Implications:
    • Increased development time: Developers may spend significant time exploring the codebase to understand how different parts fit together, slowing down development.
    • Code duplication: Without clear guidelines, developers might end up creating redundant or similar code in different parts of the system.
    • Maintenance challenges: A poorly organized codebase becomes difficult to maintain and modify over time, as changes in one part can inadvertently affect others.

Symptom 2: High Coupling

Have you ever modified a code and a new bug arrised in a part of a system that in your mind doesn’t make sense? That’s when this symptom is shown.

  • Root Cause: High coupling occurs when components or modules are too tightly interconnected, making it difficult to modify one part without affecting others. This can be due to:
    • Excessive dependencies: If components rely heavily on each other, changes to one component can have cascading effects on others.
    • Lack of encapsulation: When components don’t encapsulate their internal state and logic, other components can directly access and modify their internals, leading to tight coupling.
  • Implications:
    • Reduced maintainability: Changes become more complex and risky, as it’s difficult to predict the potential side effects.
    • Increased testing effort: Thorough testing is required to ensure that changes don’t introduce unintended bugs or regressions.
    • Difficulty in code reuse: If components are tightly coupled, it’s challenging to reuse them in other projects or contexts.
  • Technical evidences
    • Big classes: Classes with thousands of lines.
    • God Objects: Classes that you can identify the propourse, the name doesn’t make good sense, the class do too many things. Everywhere in the system you see it.
    • Cyclomatic Complexity: High cyclomatic complexity, a measure of the number of decision points in a piece of code, can indicate tight coupling. Complex code is harder to understand and maintain.
    • Tightly Coupled Dependencies: If a component is heavily dependent on other components, it’s likely to be tightly coupled. This can make it difficult to modify or reuse the component without affecting others.
  • Behavioral Indicators
    • Frequent Changes to Interfaces: If interfaces between components are frequently changing, it suggests that the components are tightly coupled. Changes to one component often require changes to others.
    • Difficulty in Testing: Tightly coupled code can be difficult to test in isolation, as it relies heavily on other components. This can lead to increased testing effort and reduced code quality.
    • Ripple Effect of Changes: When making changes to one part of the system, if you find that it has a significant impact on other parts, it’s a sign of high coupling.
  • Code Smells
    • Duplicated Code: Duplicated code often indicates that components are not well-encapsulated and share common logic. This can lead to tight coupling and increased maintenance costs.
    • Primitive Obsession: Overuse of primitive data types (e.g., integers, strings) without using custom data structures can lead to tightly coupled code.
    • Feature Envy: When a method in one class accesses data or performs operations on another class more than its own, it’s a sign of feature envy. This indicates a tight coupling between the two classes.

Why Documentation is Crucial

  • Clarity and Understanding: Well-written documentation provides a clear overview of the system’s architecture, design patterns, and component interactions. This helps developers understand the codebase more easily and make informed decisions.
  • Maintainability: Documentation serves as a reference point for developers, making it easier to understand and modify existing code. It also helps in on-boarding new team members.
  • Collaboration: Documentation facilitates collaboration among team members, ensuring that everyone is working towards a common goal and understanding the system’s design principles.

By addressing these symptoms and improving documentation, teams can significantly enhance software quality, reduce development time, and improve maintainability.

Nothing is better than having a map to identify exactly here to go!!!

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