Real case of failure on identify expansion points, and documentation solutions

WINW > Software Architecture > Software Quality > Real case of failure on identify expansion points, and documentation solutions

Understanding the Problem:

In my previous role, the team faced the challenge of adding new parameters to existing log classes. This issue often arises due to a lack of clear structure, flexibility, and maintainability in the logging system.

Applying Domain-Driven Design (DDD):

DDD can provide a structured approach to address this problem by:

  1. Defining the Domain:
    • Logging and Monitoring Domain: Clearly define the domain as encompassing all aspects of logging and monitoring within your application. This includes log types, parameters, levels, and storage mechanisms.
  2. Identifying Bounded Contexts:
    • Core Domain: This might be the core logging functionality, including log creation, storage, and retrieval.
    • Supporting Domains: These could be related domains like security, performance monitoring, or error handling.
  3. Creating Subdomains:
    • Log Parameter Subdomain: Focus on the management and configuration of log parameters.
  4. Applying the Chain of Responsibility Pattern:
    • Log Chain: Create a chain of responsibility where each link (node) represents a log parameter.
    • Parameter Nodes: Each node would be responsible for handling a specific parameter, including its creation, modification, and inclusion in the log message.
    • Dynamic Configuration: Allow for dynamic configuration of the chain to add or remove parameters as needed.

Documentation Structure:

  1. Domain Model:
    • Entities: Log, LogParameter, LogLevel, etc.
    • Value Objects: LogMessage, LogTimestamp, etc.
    • Aggregates: LogAggregate (containing Log and its associated parameters)
  2. Bounded Contexts:
    • Core Domain: Log creation, storage, retrieval
    • Supporting Domains: Security, performance, error handling
    • Relationships and Interactions: Describe how these contexts interact and exchange data.
  3. Subdomains:
    • Log Parameter Subdomain:
      • Entities: LogParameter, ParameterConfiguration
      • Value Objects: ParameterValue
      • Services: ParameterService (for adding, removing, and modifying parameters)
  4. Chain of Responsibility:
    • Abstract Handler: Define the interface for a handler in the chain.
    • Concrete Handlers: Implement the interface for each log parameter.
    • Client: The class that initiates the chain and passes the log message to the first handler.

Example Documentation:

**LogParameter Entity**
* Properties:
  * Id (unique identifier)
  * Name
  * Type (e.g., string, integer, boolean)
  * Description
  * DefaultValue

* Methods:
  * AddParameter(LogParameter parameter)
  * RemoveParameter(LogParameterId id)
  * ModifyParameter(LogParameterId id, updatedParameter)

**Chain of Responsibility**
* LogHandlerInterface
  * Handle(LogMessage message)
* StringLogHandler (handles string parameters)
* IntegerLogHandler (handles integer parameters)
* BooleanLogHandler (handles boolean parameters)

Benefits of This Approach:

  • Flexibility: Easily add or remove parameters by modifying the chain configuration.
  • Maintainability: Each parameter is handled independently, making the code easier to understand and modify.
  • Extensibility: New log parameter types can be added by creating new handler classes.
  • Reusability: The chain of responsibility pattern can be applied to other areas of the application where sequential processing is required.

By following this DDD-based approach and utilizing the chain of responsibility pattern, your team can create a more flexible, maintainable, and extensible logging and monitoring system.

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