WINW > Prebuilt Software > Wordpress > Classifying your WordPress store using DDD

Understanding the Core Domain

If your primary business is book selling products, your core domain would likely be “Bookselling”

Classifying WordPress as a Non-Core Domain

While WordPress can be used to create a virtual store, it’s typically considered a non-core domain in a DDD context. Here’s why:

  1. Supporting Role: WordPress provides the infrastructure and tools to create an online store, but it doesn’t directly handle the core business logic of selling products.
  2. Separability: The WordPress-based store can be conceptually separated from the core “Bookselling” domain, allowing for independent development and maintenance.

Mapping WordPress in Your DDD Map:

  1. Bounded Context: Create a separate bounded context for “Virtual Store” to encapsulate the logic and data related to your WordPress-based store.
  2. Entities and Services: Define entities like “Product,” “Order,” “Customer,” and “Cart” within the “Virtual Store” bounded context. Services can include “AddProductToCart,” “Checkout,” and “ProcessOrder.”
  3. Integration with Core Domain: Establish integration points between the “Virtual Store” and “Bookselling” bounded contexts. For example, you might synchronize product information, inventory levels, and customer data between the two domains.

Example DDD Map:

  • Core Domain: Bookselling (Entities: Product, Order, Customer, etc.)
  • Non-Core Domain: Virtual Store
    • Bounded Context: Virtual Store
    • Entities: Product, Order, Customer, Cart
    • Services: AddProductToCart, Checkout, ProcessOrder
    • External System: WordPress

Key Considerations:

  • Customizations: If you’re making significant customizations to WordPress for your virtual store, consider creating subdomains within the “Virtual Store” bounded context to encapsulate those customizations.
  • External Systems: If you’re using third-party plugins or services for payment processing, shipping, or other features, represent them as external systems within your DDD map.
  • Performance and Scalability: If your virtual store is expected to handle high traffic or large volumes of data, consider optimizing your DDD architecture and using appropriate caching or scaling strategies.

By classifying WordPress as a non-core domain and creating a separate bounded context, you can effectively structure your e-commerce system, promoting modularity, maintainability, and scalability. This approach also allows for greater flexibility in managing and evolving your virtual store independently from the core Bookselling functionality.

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