Classifying your WordPress in your business using DDD

WINW > Prebuilt Software > Wordpress > Classifying your WordPress in your business using DDD

It’s known that WordPress is an open-source solution that boosts the marketing of your company with fast setup and low cost. It’s the most used marketing engine for websites in the world.

But where would I classify my WordPress in my business?

Let’s check this approach assuming you have a business to sell books, you use DDD to map your business, and you want to use WordPress to advertise your products and boost your sales.

Assuming your core domain is “Bookselling”, WordPress would likely be classified as a non-core domain.

Reasons for Non-Core Classification:

  1. Supporting Role: WordPress is primarily used to create and manage marketing content, which supports the core domain of bookselling.
  2. Indirect Impact: While the content created using WordPress can directly impact sales, the tool itself is not directly involved in the core act of selling books.
  3. Separability: The WordPress setup can be conceptually separated from the core bookselling domain, allowing for independent development and maintenance.

Mapping WordPress in Your DDD Map:

  1. Bounded Context: Create a separate bounded context for “Marketing” to encapsulate the logic and data related to WordPress and other marketing activities.
  2. Entities and Services: Define entities like “BlogPost,” “Page,” and “MarketingCampaign” within the “Marketing” bounded context. Services can include “CreateContent,” “PublishContent,” and “TrackPerformance.”
  3. Integration with Core Domain: Establish integration points between the “Marketing” and “Bookselling” bounded contexts. For example, you might allow users to create blog posts about specific books or track the impact of marketing campaigns on book sales.
  4. External System: Represent WordPress as an external system within the “Marketing” bounded context. This allows you to model its interactions with your application without tightly coupling them.

Example DDD Map:

  • Core Domain: Bookselling (Entities: Book, Order, Customer, etc.)
  • Non-Core Domain: Marketing
    • Bounded Context: Marketing
    • Entities: BlogPost, Page, MarketingCampaign
    • Services: CreateContent, PublishContent, TrackPerformance
    • External System: WordPress

By classifying WordPress as a non-core domain and creating a separate bounded context, you can effectively structure your bookselling system, promoting modularity, maintainability, and scalability. This approach also allows for greater flexibility in managing and evolving your marketing efforts independently from the core bookselling functionality.

If you want to use WordPress to sell your products, please check this post about how to classify your WordPress Virtual Store.

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