Why Translations entries of Loco Translate Aren’t Showing Up

WINW > Prebuilt Software > Wordpress > Why Translations entries of Loco Translate Aren’t Showing Up

The location of your learnpress-pt_BR.po file is incorrect.

Loco Translate expects translation files to be in a specific directory structure. Placing the file in languages/loco/plugins/learnpress-pt_BR.po is not the standard way.

Correct File Location:

  • wp-content/languages/plugins/learnpress-pt_BR.po

This is the standard directory for plugin-specific language files.

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Create the Directory: If the wp-content/languages/plugins directory doesn’t exist, create it.
  2. Move the File: Move your learnpress-pt_BR.po file to wp-content/languages/plugins.
  3. Clear Cache: Clear your website’s cache to ensure the changes take effect.

Additional Considerations:

  • File Permissions: Ensure the file has the correct permissions (usually 644).
  • Text Domain: Verify that the text domain in your .po file matches LearnPress’s text domain.
  • Loco Translate Settings: Double-check Loco Translate settings to ensure it’s not overriding your custom file.

By following these steps, your LearnPress translations should now be applied.

If you continue to face issues, please provide more details about your website setup, including the LearnPress and Loco Translate versions, as well as any error messages you might be encountering.

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